From the Blog

August 20, 2014


The following is an excerpt from A Gateway to Higher Consciousness.

We’ve come to accept each other inside boxes. Which box are you hiding in? How do you view others’ boxes? Many of the boxes come with lots of color and heavy contents. Some are even attached to other boxes. Some we see and some we don’t.

Are you a butcher, a baker, or a candlestick maker? Are you elderly, a teenager, a child, or middle aged? How about husband, wife, father, divorcee or retiree? Or are you a cancer survivor, an amputee, a coach, a victim, a drug addict, or an athlete.

How do you define yourself and others? As I out picture each of these ideas of self-identification, I get a myriad of “stuff” that sticks to the visual of each one. One who has attached to his life record that of criminal or widower or soothsayer allows all of us to think of certain agendas that we naturally place with each title.

Then there are the Christians, the Hindus, the Muslims, the agnostics, and all the other ideas of religiosity or not. Each time we try to see ourselves and others in some form of identification we throw in all the stuffing and wrapping that we feel that goes with that box.

The problem with most of this type of identification is that we don’t stop to think about all the stuffing and wrapping that is subtle and not taped to each person’s face or body. But, upon reflection, we find that it is there, lurking in our sub consciousness. It’s always been our classifying, comparing, or judging that has been engrained into our psyche from our early training.

Do we judge someone very different than us in a certain light? Do we add a whole additional meaning and coloring to each person we see that doesn’t fit within our idea of a “normal” being? What do we do with someone that doesn’t even fit into our past list of original box criteria?

How about a new idea? Can we begin to see, to know, that each and every one of us are beings of Light and Love just stretching our wings, testing our resolve, learning more about who we are? Are we all beginning to remember the connection that we all have with each other; with All That Is? Can we see and feel this in those we come in contact with?

It begins with us acknowledging that presence within ourselves. Once we can feel it within, we can then begin to recognize it in others, even if they can’t see or feel it. It’s up to us now to drop the judgment and truly see and know ourselves and each other for who we really are. The more we all acknowledge it in ourselves and others the more we can begin to move to that place we all want for ourselves and our world.


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